City Council
The City Secretary’s office is responsible for the preparation and dissemination of City Council meeting agendas and packets. The City Secretary must attend every meeting of the City Council and keep accurate minutes of the proceedings, ordinances, and resolutions.
The City Secretary’s office coordinates the recruitment, application, and appointment process for City Council appointed boards, commissions, and committees.
Records Management/Public Information
The City Secretary’s office is responsible for the care and maintenance of all City records. These records include all City Council minutes, agendas, ordinances, resolutions, deeds, easements, plats, contracts, and historical information. The City Secretary is designated as the City’s Records Management Officer by City ordinance. In addition to these responsibilities, the City Secretary responds to numerous requests for City records filed each year under the Texas Public Information Act.
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The City Secretary serves as the Election Official for the City of Leonard and is responsible for the administration of all City elections. The City Secretary prepares submissions to the U.S. Department of Justice for pre-clearance of election issues under the Federal Voting Rights Act.
Financial Services
The City Secretary manages functions that include: Financial System Administration, accounting, accounts payable, revenue collections/utility billing, and payroll.
Additional Duties of the City Secretary's Office
In addition to the duties listed above, the City Secretary serves as custodian of the City corporate seal and attests the Mayor’s signature on all official documents; records and files deeds, easements, and plats; coordinates the codification of City ordinances into the City Code of Ordinances; publishes all legal ads and notices for the City; receives bids and attends bid openings; posts all legal notices and agendas; and develops and oversees the City Secretary and Municipal Court department budgets.